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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Politics History Of Israel Since 1948

By Bruce Bosshard

In the year 1948 the state of Israel was declared independent. Jews had been looking for a permanent homeland for a long time since they were being persecuted in many parts of Europe. The political history of Israel started when the Zionist movement was formed for the purpose of fighting for a Jewish homeland. When the movement managed to gain international support Israel was born and Jewish from all corners of the earth moved into it.

Immediately after independence David Ben Gurion took the office of Prime Minister and he maintained it for 15 years. The Labor party formed the Government for 29 years from independence. Both population and economy experienced a high growth rate during this period. David was succeeded by Levi Eshkol who belonged to the Herut movement in 1963. After this the Six Day War against Palestine and Egypt erupted. Golda Meir succeeded Levi after he passed away in 1969. When the Yom Kippur War started in 1973 Golda resigned.

itzhak Rabin headed the next government starting 1974 and signed agreements of disengagement with Egypt and Syria. During this time the Soviet bloc and many African countries broke off their ties with Israel.

In 1977 the Lukid bloc defeated the Labor party and was headed by Menachem Begin. Begin reached a peace agreement with Egypt in 1979 that entailed yielding land to Egypt in exchange for peace. Likud's privatization plans got out of control and inflation went up, the stock market crashed. In 1982 Israel there was the Lebanon War which caused resignation of Begin and he was succeeded by Yitzhak Shamir. In 1984 Labor party leader Perez served as prime minister and he was able to curb inflation and stabilize the economy and also withdraw troops from Lebanon.

In 1988 the Gaza War broke out and Iraq fired 39 missiles into Israel. In 1992 the Labor party took over the Government again led by Yitzhak Rabin who had held the position of defense minister previously.

Palestinians were given autonomy in 1994 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. A peace treaty was also signed with Jordan in the same year and international relations improved. In 1995 Yitzhak Rabin who was the prime minister then was assassinated.

Netanyahu was elected using a new system of polling and additional records were signed with the Palestine but lost to Ehud Barak in 1999. Ariel Sharon became prime minister and later resigned due to health problems and Ehud Olmert took over.

Benjamin Netanyahu regained the seat in 2007 and is the current Prime minister. Though there is an office of the president the Prime minister holds executive powers.

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